Thank You to Kathy Weeks!

Thank You to Kathy Weeks!



This week, we said farewell for now to our amazing Controller, Kathy Weeks. Kathy has been here at Gawron Turgeon Architects, P.C. for over 35 of the almost 40 years that the company has been active. We will miss you and hope to see you soon, but we wish you the best and hope your coming retirement are your best years yet!



Over her career at Gawron Turgeon, she has managed every corner of our finances, overseen our office, managed administrative tasks, and everything in between. If you are one of our clients, partners, or staff, you’ll know that she has always been willing to help, take on problems, bring a new level of attention to detail, and accomplish it all with a smile.



Kathy, we can’t say thank you enough for being a vital part of Gawron Turgeon for a majority of its time. We will always be grateful for your dedication, personality, adaptability, and reminding us to fill our timesheets!