Introducing Project Architect Hilary Ward

Hilary Ward

Introducing Project Architect Hilary Ward

Please join us in welcoming Project Architect Hilary Ward to GTA! Hilary brings a wealth of experience in senior living, residential, energy-efficient, commercial, federal, and state facilities, and has already jumped into our latest senior living project. We sat down with Hilary to learn more about her background and find out what she loves to do when she’s not designing.

How did you decide to pursue a career in architecture?

When I was young, I took a shop class where we learned how to make a model of our own home out of balsa wood. I really loved the design part and “improving” my childhood home, and wanted to do that forever.

What does your job entail?

I work with clients to give them what they’re looking for, and hopefully a little more. I try to see the entire timeline of a project, to get them where they need to be when the building opens.

What motivates you to wake up and go to work?

I love the satisfaction of solving a client’s needs and desires, and helping them to see the direction that their project can go in.

What has been your favorite project so far?

Right now I’m working on a large-scale building that has three levels of care for senior housing, right nearby at The Downs. It’s fun to be part of this larger project that has dozens of other buildings going in, and an entire planned community and neighborhood.

How do you collaborate with other team members at GTA?

It’s a funny time to start, in a pandemic. I’m glad to see that safety is foremost at all times, and all of the technology has really been streamlined so that we can all chat, call, and video meet. Often something will come up in a client meeting, and then we will have a smaller group meeting to address it. Having landscape and interiors professionals “in-house” has been really great. I also really love seeing everyone’s site photos of projects under construction.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?

I play the banjo! I learned about five years ago, and play old-time music with my kids (who play violin, cello, and piano).

And finally, what do you like to do when you’re not in the office?

In the winter, I love to cross-country ski. We have trails at our house, and have a vacation home in Western Maine, so I love to go out into the quiet snow. I also love to swim, and we’ve discovered a few great swimming holes in that same area. A short hike makes a frigid waterfall feel refreshing!

Thank you, Hilary! We’re so happy to have you on our team.